THE ELITE HAVE BEGUN THEIR FULL SCALE EXECUTION! The Vaccine And Starvation: ‘The Modern Weapons Of Mass Sestruction’

The fear campaign prevails. And people are now led to believe that the corona vaccine sponsored by their governments is the “solution”. And that “normality” will  be restored once the entire population of the planet has been vaccinated.

For those who think that a financial collapse causing the loss of their savings and livelihood are the worst that could happen, they might want to consider this possibility. If this country were destroyed economically and our infrastructure were destroyed we have the ability to rebuild it all over time. Many of the global players know that a small core of Americans can never be subjugated and could cause many problems for years to come if left to their own devices. In a country as big as America it would be almost impossible to round up all of them so something more drastic may be needed.

The coronavirus is disrupting food supply chains because farmers and laborers cannot work or travel, transportation delays are causing shortages, and in the United States, for example, meat processing plants have been forced to close.

Not only are these breaks in the supply chain affecting the availability of food, but also its affordability. Millions who already struggled to support themselves and their families have been struck by economic hardship caused by lockdowns around the globe.

Millions people will be pushed into extreme poverty this year owing to the pandemic, but the long-term effects will be even worse, as poor nutrition in childhood causes lifelong suffering. Already, one in five children around the world are stunted in their growth by the age of five, and millions more are likely to suffer the same fate if poverty rates soar.

It could be the easiest, cheapest, most disaster-resistant way to get off grid… …with your own electricity, water, food, and more. Made entirely at home. “Survival Sanctuary” is a guide for anyone concerned about their wellbeing. But in the end, it became something more… Veteran Mark Johnson’s 25 Essential DIY Projects for Self-Sufficient Living

Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it.

As COVID-19 continues to ravage our nation, the economic toll is racing to outstrip the toll in lives taken. While there is clearly no way of comparing the two, the millions of people who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic are the ones who are suffering the brunt of shutting down our country. Many of those people will never get those jobs back, because the companies who laid them off have gone bankrupt.

We have yet to see the full impact that COVID-19 will have on our country and the world.  Even so, it’s surprising that we haven’t yet entered into a time of economic depression. Many financial gurus are predicting that it’s just around the corner, so we’re clearly not out of danger yet. Probably the only way we’re going to see the end of that risk, is by going through the depression and coming out the other side.

Most Americans who have been around for a while know life is nothing like it used to be. When someone wanted a job one was found with a little bit of searching. Today jobs are difficult to find, especially in small communities.

When I was growing up in the 70’s, there were several car dealers in my community. There were three tractor dealers and too many mom and pop stores to count. Today there are two used car dealers and the nearest tractor dealer is twenty miles away. So how is it that we now have more people, but fewer businesses to employ them?

A nations wealth is derived from having a product to sell. That wealth needs to circulate in towns and cities to compound the wealth effect and create jobs and businesses. When wealth is not created or it is siphoned off to other places, the wealth effect can not happen, and in many cases goes into reverse. A community needs a certain amount of service related jobs to function but it also needs some type of production jobs to bring in money from the outside. This can be mining , agriculture or manufacturing type jobs, but they must exist to insure a healthy economy.

America has two major problems today. A large amount of our production is done outside the country eliminating production jobs in local communities and many of the small local businesses that kept wealth within communities have been supplanted by large corporations that siphon wealth out of communities and send it to wall street.

In the past when a small business made profit, that profit was kept in the local community because that is where the owner lived. Now, that profit leaves the community never to be seen again. With less money to circulate within the community the businesses that depend on people spending their extra dollars, have fewer customers and eventually go out of business. With fewer jobs there is that much less money circulating and the economic situation spirals down until nothing is left.

These days corporate businesses and government jobs make up the major part of many local communities. In many cases if it were not for the government jobs, many communities would no longer exist. So what do you think would happen if the government suddenly no longer had money to pay those workers? What would happen if corporate profits dropped to the point where corporate stores decided to close and cut their losses?

To some extent we are seeing this happen now in many places. Corporate stores moved in and drove small local businesses out. Then when the profits dried up the corporate stores closed leaving the community with no jobs or products to buy. With no capital in the local communities to rebuild small businesses, the people simply drive to other areas to do their shopping.

The corporate cronies and government laggards control most of the money flowing through communities now and they want to keep it that way. Any attempt to rebuild local businesses is met with luke warm results. Any business that might make a difference is either killed outright or regulated into oblivion before it can get off the ground. The county where I live has all but abandoned local businesses. The bulk of their income comes from property taxes generated by vacation homes and retirement homes of retired government employees. As long as the government pensions and paychecks continue, they see no reason to change the status quo. The result is that the younger people leave as soon as they can and the average age of the population continues to get older. As with many places today, this area has no future.

Where I live is a microcosm of the nation. Corporate and government entities continue to siphon what little money there is out of communities and just as small communities are dying, the nation will soon follow if current trends do not change. A return to small local economics is the only way to reverse some of the damage and keep our communities livable. But, do not be deceived. There is no way to undo all of the damage that has been done and even if we survive, we will only be a shadow of what we once were as a nation

Will Americans just let this happen? Will lazy Patriots just give a minimal effort?
For readiness, the hour glass has almost run out! In the absence of your local FEMA rep (that is, local spy) organize your neighbors into groups of three and four (so they can’t be infiltrated) and get ready! There is a Wild Ride just ahead! Let’s make a swift effort of taking the Red door, now opening, and painting it black!  Death to all destroyers of America!

Otherwise, the death of America is at hand. And the greatest betrayer of the children and aging of America will be… You! You!  Do nothing and you will make sure your wife and mother and children will be raped and injured beyond belief! Are we locked and loaded yet?

In this short VIDEO, I will unearth A lost super-food will bulletproof you against any food shortage or famine. It’s a food that vanished with the Incas over 6 centuries ago

In the next crisis these lost skills will be more valuable than gold, food supplies and survival equipment combined. These skills have been tested and proven to work for centuries.

Here is just a small glimpse of what you’ll find in this massive 300-page sequel (in color) to The Lost Ways:

  • A lost super-food will bulletproof you against any food shortage or famine. It’s a food that vanished with the Incas over 6 centuries ago. This mysterious dish was just recently rediscovered by NASA who has been giving away rations of it to our brave men and women in their month-long space missions. The Incas stored it in pit holes for up to 10 years, ate it year-round, and actually used it to survive a 4 year long super-drought that wiped out their southern neighbors. So, if it managed to save the Incas centuries ago and it still works for our astronauts today, you can bet your last dollar it will keep you and your family well fed in any crisis. And the best part is that you probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen right now.

4 thoughts on “THE ELITE HAVE BEGUN THEIR FULL SCALE EXECUTION! The Vaccine And Starvation: ‘The Modern Weapons Of Mass Sestruction’

  1. YOUR HERO”S WILL DRAG YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ,out on the front lawn,put you face down,THEN BLOW out what little brains you have,AMERICANS are the worse cowards planet wide,they’d rather be DEAD and sent to hell then stand up and take their country back…MAYBE ONE IN A HUNDRED WILL FIGHT and the other 99,will call the government to come and take the one away because hes scaring them…RED FLAG LAWS AND CATTLE CARS,most of you will NEVER see heaven,the LORD hates girlymen and cowards..95% of the men are YELLOW as a banana…OH THOSE whores in the schools destroyed your boys..their going to hell too..


  2. This just in from the land of Sun Tzu-We own you now Baizuo, you ASO!
    Conquered from within just like Lincoln said and China didn’t have to fire a shot.
    Sold out by our own traitorous fifth column of faculty lounge fellow travelers.


  3. There’s one aspect you are missing. CoViD wasn’t the only thing shutting down the food industry. Corn and maize crops failed epically over the last 12 months. That means no animal feed, closing meat production, and no corn oil/starch and other mainstream food production ingredients. Rice was wiped out in Asia from flooding, with bush fires and locust swarms wiping out rice and wheat crops. Weather warfare is the real hidden war, CoViD is the black Op cover up.


  4. The elites want everyone dead because resources on the planet are beginning to run out. The elites therefore see everyone who is not a member of the elite class as a competitor for those dwindling resources.

    Climate change is really a scam, an attempt to get the masses to live with less, a lot less, so the elites can have more.

    The elites are delusional if they think they will survive the coming planetary collapse.


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