How the COVID Scam Is Perpetrated: For the first time in history, the world’s population has been used for mass clinical testing of an experimental vaccine

I have provided numerous documented detailed accounts demonstrating the lack of evidence supporting the official Covid narrative.  The next time you hear Big Pharma’s propagandists say “believe the science,” ask them what science.

When believers in the official narrative and Covid vaccine are confronted with facts, they retreat to a second line of defense.  If the Covid threat is exaggerated and the vaccine unsafe, why did all the doctors and nurses get vaccinated? If the vaccines are unsafe, why haven’t the predicted deaths and injuries showed up?

The answer is that all the doctors and nurses are not vaccinated, do not believe in the extent of the “pandemic” or the hyped threat of Covid—indeed, many regard the hype and vaccine as greater threats than Covid—and the adverse effects of the vaccines are showing up.  The believers in the narrative just do not know it because the presstitute scum suppress the information and do not report it unless to ridicule and denounce it as “disinformation.”

All doctors and nurses are not vaccinated.  For example, here is a report of an entire hospital—200 doctors and 1,500 nurses—on strike in protest of the Macron nazi’s attempt to force them to be vaccinated: see this

As for the alleged belief in the Covid narrative by doctors and medical personnel, here are 1,500 health professionals who say Covid is the “biggest health scam of the 21st century:” see this

A survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons finds that 60% of doctors are not vaccinated: see this

There are two stronger reasons than doctors’ belief in the efficacy and safety of the vaccine that explain why some doctors are vaccinated.  One is that they get vaccinated in order to save their practices.  Their fear-driven, terrorized patients are afraid to be examined by a doctor who hasn’t been vaccinated.

This presentation PROOVES WITHOUT DOUBT that America is in for a major fight that will put you and your family in the firing line, literally… So make sure you watch this presentation while it’s still online…

The reason why you should pay attention now is that is because these techniques don’t come from books, they’re taken from actual 21st century warzones, from lawless states where social chaos is the name of the game… … and where not having enough time or money to prepare doesn’t stop real-world preppers from creating virtually impenetrable defenses for their families.

The other reason is that the main consequence of Obamacare was the buy-up of independent practices by hospital chains and health care organizations.  This transformed independent doctors into employees who have to follow guidelines.  Many who have ignored guidelines by treating patients with HCQ or Ivermectin and by refusing vaccination have been fired. The big organizations for convenience and liability reasons follow whatever is the line of NIH, CDC, FDA, and WHO.  In other words, coercion displaces medical judgement.

As for the adverse effects of the vaccine, EudraVigilance, the European Union’s database of suspected drug reaction reports covering 27 European countries, reports that as of July 17, 2021, there have been 18,928 deaths and 1,823,219 injuries: see this

In the US the VAERS database reports a total of 463,457 adverse health effects among all age groups following Covid vaccination, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021: see this

A CDC whistleblower has revealed in a sworn statement under penalty of perjury that the VAERS deaths released in the report are understated at least by a factor of five and that the actual figure in the VAERS database as of July 9, 2021, is 45,000: see this

In response to the large numbers of deaths and adverse reactions associated with the vaccines, America’s Frontline Doctors filed a federal lawsuit to curtail emergency use of Covid vaccines: see this

The British counterpart to the US VAERS is called the Yellow Card system.  It is operated by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.  Based on this database, researchers at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EbMC) have concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines are “unsafe for humans.”  The research group’s director, Dr. Tess Lawrie concluded: “The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill:” see this.

Dr. Lawrie arrived at this conclusion based on the Yellow Card data for the first four months of 2021 during which the UK recorded 888,196 adverse vaccine events and 1,253 deaths.

Authorities acknowledge that the reports in the databases of adverse vaccine effects are massively underreported, capturing only from 1-10% of adverse vaccine effects. One reason for the underreporting is that it is not easy to report an adverse vaccine event. The reporting doctor or health organization has to be determined and persistent. The reporting takes time and energy from other demands.  Consequently, there are pressures not to report.

In the case of adverse effects associated with the Covid vaccine, more powerful forces restrict reporting. Democrats do not want the adverse reactions reported.  They have groomed Fauci as the hero who saved us from Trump’s rantings about HCQ and saved all of us from dying from Covid by getting a vaccine out in time. Health care organizations and medical associations that have complied with the official narrative want to protect their credibility from adverse reports in order to avoid providing grounds for employees and members to voice divergent opinions. 

Related: Hell Is Coming, And Death Is Coming With It: The Warnings Continue To Go Out. The Situation Continues To Deteriorate. The Mass Of Humanity Continues To Go About Its Normal

A colleague says that her son experienced cardiac failure and blood clot following his vaccination, which kept him hospitalized for 22 days with his life hanging in the balance. The adverse event is not being reported to VAERS.  The doctors or hospital administrator have avoided reporting to VAERS by attributing his case to an “unknown virus.”  Her son refuses to report the case because he is an ideological Democrat and Democrats have made Fauci and the vaccine their issue.

My colleague also says that her cousin, who lost the use of his legs immediately after the vaccine just as did my friend, then lost the use of his arms the next day, had a heart attack on the way to the ER, and another heart attack 3 days later that killed him.  The doctors won’t report it to VAERS.  The cousin’s wife, an ideological Democrat, defends the vaccine and will not report the case either.

Let’s take the most optimistic case that VAERS, Yellow Card, and EudraVigilance capture 10% of adverse Covid vaccine effects. That means that databases covering the US and part of Europe through about the middle of July 2021 would reveal 299,190 deaths if all deaths were captured by the reporting systems and 639,280 deaths if the whistleblower’s correction of the VAERS deaths is used.

The databases covering the US and part of Europe would show 22,866,760 injuries.

Assuming the UK reporting also captures 10% of adverse events, during the first four months of 2021 the British experienced 8,881,960 adverse effects and 12,530 deaths.

These large numbers are from a small part of the world. They don’t include Russia, China, India, the rest of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Canada, Australia. If the same underreporting is characteristic of these areas, the deaths and injuries from the vaccine far exceeds those from Covid.

Play around with the numbers.  Assume that the vaccine adverse reporting systems capture 50% of averse events.  We still have a situation far worse than Covid.

There are two final damning facts.  One is that never before has a vaccine been left in use that had anything close to the official adverse reporting numbers of the Covid vaccine.  Why hasn’t the vaccine been pulled out of use?

The other damning fact is that the requirement for emergency use of an untested and unapproved vaccine is that there are no known cures.  We have known from the beginning that there are two safe and inexpensive cures—HCQ with zinc and Ivermectin with zinc.  To clear the way for a vaccine, these treatments used by many doctors to save patients’ lives, were demonized, and successful attempts were made to prevent their use.  Now there are two more cures according to reports.  What then is the basis for continuing emergency use of the vaccines, much less forcing it on people?

Clearly the health of people is not at the forefront of the Covid drama.

It is important to understand that the vaccine controversy is not one between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers.  Most of the independent scientists and doctors who have revealed the downside of the vaccine are not anti-vaxxers and some of them even recommend the vaccine for some parts of the population.  The vaccine critics see it as an experiment with new technology that behaved differently than expected but continues to be conducted on the world’s population.

The one part of the official narrative that does seem to be true is that the virus is real and can be very dangerous to those with co-morbidities and weak immune systems. The virus can cause death and serious protracted illness.  It is difficult to judge the extent of threat, because hospitals are incentivized to report all deaths as Covid deaths even when the deceased died from other causes. Apparently there are few deaths from Covid alone.

What is most difficult to explain is the hard push for universal vaccination when we know from the databases that the vaccine is itself dangerous and we have known cures.  Recently, I have been receiving “Coronavirus World Updates.”  I did not sign up for the updates, and I do not know who is behind them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are a Big Pharma operation. They seem to be intended to keep fear alive and to use fear to encourage more vaccinations.  See, for example: see this.

Nothing we know about Covid justifies CNN’s call to punish the unvaccinated, segregate them from society, and force them to pay for Covid tests each and every day.  Such hyperbole as this indicates that insanity has taken hold of the issue and rational discourse is impossible. See this.

Youth were largely unaffected by the original Covid.  Now vaccine advocates  claim a new “variant” is attacking the young, which raises suspicions.  The new variant is also being used for political purpose. For example, Florida’s Republican governor who avoided lockdowns and mask mandates is being accused of responsibility for a “new outbreak” in  an area of Florida where 75% of the population is vaccinated, a higher percentage than required for herd immunity. One wonders if this “new outbreak” is really the manifestation of illnesses caused by the vaccine.

In closing I will say that I think I have given a thorough explanation of the issues. It is difficult to do, because the issue was politicized by Democrats and many dissenting expert voices were censored, thus denying us the benefit of differing expert accounts. If the virus is as serious as media and public health bureaucracies have presented it to be, there should have been open debate among experts so that the public would have a chance to understand instead of being indoctrinated by one voice.

Whoever believes my explanation is defective and can do a better job, please step forward.


This Is Admission That Covid Vaccines Do Not Protect 

Tyranny Based On An Orchestrated “Pandemic”

If herd immunity, natural immunity, and cures exist, there is no justification for mandated universal vaccination.

How can a vaccine known to be toxic and to cause deaths and injuries be mandatory?

These mandates are certainly not related to public health.  Is mass vaccination being coerced prior to the adverse effects having time to fully reveal themselves?

See thisthisthis and this.

In this short VIDEO, I will unearth A lost super-food will bulletproof you against any food shortage or famine. It’s a food that vanished with the Incas over 6 centuries ago

In the next crisis these lost skills will be more valuable than gold, food supplies and survival equipment combined. These skills have been tested and proven to work for centuries.

Here is just a small glimpse of what you’ll find in this massive 300-page sequel (in color) to The Lost Ways:

  • A lost super-food will bulletproof you against any food shortage or famine. It’s a food that vanished with the Incas over 6 centuries ago. This mysterious dish was just recently rediscovered by NASA who has been giving away rations of it to our brave men and women in their month-long space missions. The Incas stored it in pit holes for up to 10 years, ate it year-round, and actually used it to survive a 4 year long super-drought that wiped out their southern neighbors. So, if it managed to save the Incas centuries ago and it still works for our astronauts today, you can bet your last dollar it will keep you and your family well fed in any crisis. And the best part is that you probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen right now.

9 thoughts on “How the COVID Scam Is Perpetrated: For the first time in history, the world’s population has been used for mass clinical testing of an experimental vaccine

  1. There is an insistence among alternate media outlets to call the jab a “test of an experimental vaccine”. This could not be a more incorrect interpretation of what is going on. This is NOT a test it IS an attack of genocide. It is NOT an experiment is IS an execution of a precise, deliberately and intelligently designed bioweapon do do EXACTLY what it is doing. Get the language RIGHT or we are all doomed.


    1. The shots entended to kill people over time with graphine oxide, nano particles and other ingred. toxic. America is without hope because so few are informed and will fight to the end. We will lose because most people will condone Marxism, could care less about their jobs, property, kids or g’kids futures, as this country like Australia and the E.U. that are condoning it now.


  2. If one looks or listens carefooly one can see the holes in their arguments that should alert you something VERY suspicious is going on.

    But you have to be LOOKING or LISTENING.


  3. I cannot see any argument.We should all know that this is about depopulation and we all know that a good half of people are going to die probably sooner than later.Any new deviants as worked out on the computer,any new flu viruses going around will kill those whose immune system has been destroyed and the rest will be pulled out of their houses to finish off, The system has been worked out ad nauseam,both the virus? and the cure patented in different garbs since 1990 and the original inventors are in charge of everything said and done.We all know who they are and they are still allowed to carry on their usual lives without any reprisal whatsoever,so why is this guy sounding off at this late stage,sounds like he is gamekeeper turned poacher.


  4. Jack, I am an RN. This article is superb. It is succinct, organized, objective, and linked to appropriate info.
    I plan to share it widely.


  5. This separation is going where it needs to go, in a manner of speaking. The vaccinated (for Covid-19) need to be separated from the non-vaccinated..for health safety. Why should those who decline the shot even be accepting, or seeking out healthcare (or going to restaurants, places of leisure, churches, workplaces, and so forth) from those who largely complied with state mandates that lack legality to be implemented, in conjunction with the symptomolgy of the vaccinated (inflammation of the heart, lungs, brain, etc., and other disorders as is increasingly evident. as well as the transmitting of whatever it is that their bodies are producing, i.e., spike protein and more, reportedly causing bleeding and blood clots, the latter of which are being experienced by the vaccinated, and unvaccinated alike due to exposure to these individuals, and by extension, contaminated air, and environments? It’s understood that medical needs require attention, but where is the choice for the unvaccinated (as the access may cease without a swift collective assertion to be treated by non-vaccinated persons, for instance)? Perhaps this escalation could pave the way for alternative (holistic) health clinics throughout various regions and states, and the vaccinated could be excluded, unless they recant their support of the toxin(s) and really want detox treatment.


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