The American Standard of Living Will Collapse Soon: The Worst Is Yet To Come as Death and False Flag Threats Are Planned by the State:How is one to gain and keep his freedom in a country made up of apathetic and obedient fools steeped in ignorance?

“Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they choose to venerate…Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and the Boobus Americanus will follow any command that promises to make him safer.”  ~ H. L. Mencken

How is one to gain and keep his freedom in a country made up of apathetic and obedient fools steeped in ignorance? This is a question for the ages, but in this twenty first century, it is a life and death struggle on the edge of darkness, where light exists only in the distance, and only in the minds of the very few. The reality of this dilemma is a story about survival, so should those that understand the dire situation we face, those that have the courage to fight for their own liberty; abandon the rest of society in favor of pursuing truth and freedom without being surrounded by the chains of weakness and submission that consume most of the masses? We are currently living in an irresponsible insanity, so should the societal cord be cut? Is that the only way to escape the collective mob mentality?

The polarization of America that has been growing in strength for years, continues to escalate at an even faster pace, and of course, this has all been accomplished by design through indoctrination, fear mongering, and brainwashing. Many believed that during the last criminal political administration, it could not get any worse, but alas, each time one evil and corrupt group replaces another in this absurd political process, division and hatred continues to grow, and things always worsen.

Since we are in the midst of what is referred to as a “Great Reset” of society, and the push for global governance, transhumanism, and a new technocratic ‘elite’ controlling system are being sought, it is brutally obvious that more lies, deceit, false flag events, threats, and liberty destruction will be forthcoming. But this time, the final push toward a totalitarian state is upon us, and an all-out assault on society seems imminent. With most of the population still going along with these scams, still obeying every order, and still unable to muster any courage to protect their own lives and families, what then are those of us that are informed and willing to defy ‘authority’ to do?

In this short VIDEO, I will unearth A lost super-food will bulletproof you against any food shortage or famine. It’s a food that vanished with the Incas over 6 centuries ago

In the next crisis these lost skills will be more valuable than gold, food supplies and survival equipment combined. These skills have been tested and proven to work for centuries.

Here is just a small glimpse of what you’ll find in this massive 300-page sequel (in color) to The Lost Ways:

  • A lost super-food will bulletproof you against any food shortage or famine. It’s a food that vanished with the Incas over 6 centuries ago. This mysterious dish was just recently rediscovered by NASA who has been giving away rations of it to our brave men and women in their month-long space missions. The Incas stored it in pit holes for up to 10 years, ate it year-round, and actually used it to survive a 4 year long super-drought that wiped out their southern neighbors. So, if it managed to save the Incas centuries ago and it still works for our astronauts today, you can bet your last dollar it will keep you and your family well fed in any crisis. And the best part is that you probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen right now.

What is actually coming in my opinion will be a combination of extreme propaganda, fear-mongering, false flag attacks, fake ‘virus’ attacks, a deadly flu season due to ‘vaccination,’ more ‘vaccine’ mandates, and power and water grid shutdowns, creating an environment to allow for full or partial martial law. This will set the stage to reinstate lockdowns, quarantines, and isolation, to advance bogus ‘climate change’ agendas, and to create a regulatory climate so restrictive as to mirror that of a total dictatorial state.

First and foremost, the ‘variant’ threat will be easily advanced because many more will likely die this fall and winter than last due to widespread immune system failures because of the stress of the lockdowns and isolation, and the millions of poisonous injections that have already been administered. Excess deaths, actually most all deaths, will still be blamed on a ‘virus’ or ‘variant’ that does not exist, and this tactic will allow the purposeful spreading of extreme fear.

This government and all its propaganda arms will then go after the children by planned injection of the toxic ‘Covid vaccine throughout the government run indoctrination centers called ‘public’ schools. This will begin with children 12 and older, and throughout this year and next will be targeting every child down to babies and infants with this deadly concoction.

With more death and sickness, new and more severe lockdowns will be attempted, and very restrictive measures will be forthcoming. This plot will be enhanced due to planned cyber attacks that are ‘expected’ to shut down power and water grids across the nation. These so-called attacks will certainly be false flag terror against the masses, and could easily cause civil unrest, violence, and extreme aggression by the state in response to any dissent. These cyber attacks have been acted out for years, but simulations have been greatly intensified this year.

As the year progresses, more division will occur in an us versus them situation, pitting those ‘vaccinated’ against those unvaccinated. This will probably become a very contentious situation, and could easily lead to even more hostile confrontation among this population, causing an extremely tense atmosphere. At some point, the governing criminals will come after all those not willing to be injected, and will make living very difficult for all of us attempting to protect our own body, minds, and freedom. This could become a very dangerous country in a short amount of time for people demanding freedom.

Don’t forget about the fictitious manmade ‘climate change’ agenda, as it looks like the drive toward radical policy decisions based on climate are already in the works. This is very troubling, as it adds another dangerous level of tyranny to a society already consumed by dictatorial madness. It could easily be used to force more quarantines, travel bans, and allocation of utility services, that are all virtually controlled by this government and its partners. What comes with this agenda is mass restriction of life-giving water and power, the decimation of food production and distribution, supply line shutdowns, and unstoppable runaway inflation, especially concerning the most vital needs of this citizenry. When food becomes so scarce that many are starving, total chaos will ensue.

Economically speaking, any or all of these things happening will disrupt all economic activity for the masses, but will be used by the claimed ‘elite’ ruling class to continue to steal the wealth from all of you, just as has happened over the past year and a half. This has been the biggest wealth transfer in history, and it is not over yet. The powerful that are destroying the lives of billions, are continuing to live like kings while claiming ownership of all money and property. The goal of course, is for you to own nothing and be happy about it.

All these things spoken about here are just the tip of the iceberg. There will be much more pressure to mandate immunity passports, and surveillance of everyone will dramatically increase. Much of the general population will become enforcers for the state, and will monitor and report their neighbors in order to gain favor. It seems logical as well, that social scoring will become a distinct possibility, in order to add another layer of control to this society. Markets will eventually collapse, and what little savings are left will be depleted. As all this happens, the dollar will likely be replaced over time with digital currency so that each and every transaction can be monitored and scrutinized. This is the “Great Reset,” after all, and all the warning signs have been evident for many years, but blind indifference and voluntary obedience have led to the possible end of humanity as it has ever been perceived.

All the common people are enemies of this state, but those of us refusing to go along are going to face extreme hatred by our fellow men. We will be targeted, abused, and accused of causing any manner of public ills, and also of allowing the perpetuation of this state terror. We will be said to have caused mass death because we refuse to take the poison being administered by the real criminals. We will be hated by the government and the people at large as well, and may in the future even be hunted, jailed, or worse. None can force sanity on others, or make them protect themselves, so I am speaking to those that stand up and question authority, not to those that continue to acquiesce to their masters.

In my estimation, there will soon be violence in the streets; which could lead to medical and martial law. The more that refuse to accept this totalitarian domination, the better, as time has run out, but if a very large number of excess deaths occur this fall and winter as I expect, the wheels of tyranny will turn faster and faster in an attempt to finish this long-planned coup to capture and control the bodies and minds of humanity. At that point, we will have already lost, especially those living in the highest population areas such as cities.

I realize all this sounds far-fetched to most, but then most have no idea of what is coming. We are not in Kansas anymore.

If you’re interested in learning more old remedies, you should read The Lost Book Of Remedies.

Lost Book of Remedies pages

The physical book has 300 pages, with 3 colored pictures for every plant and for every medicine.It was written by Claude Davis, whose grandfather was one of the greatest healers in America. Claude took his grandfather’s lifelong plant journal, which he used to treat thousands of people, and adapted it into this book.

Lost Book of Remedies cover

Learn More…

Source links:

They are going after the children

Fauci optimistic about vaccinating all kids

Children are the test animals of the elite

Cyber Polygon 2021

From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”

People have no idea what is coming

Covid lockdowns will become climate lockdowns

16 thoughts on “The American Standard of Living Will Collapse Soon: The Worst Is Yet To Come as Death and False Flag Threats Are Planned by the State:How is one to gain and keep his freedom in a country made up of apathetic and obedient fools steeped in ignorance?

  1. At some point patriots will have to take matters into their own hands and take out those in positions who believe it is their right to control us. If Law Enforcement decides to side with the state against “The People” they will be the first targets patriots will need to confront.

    If Law Enforcement sides with the people as did that young 29 years old officer who was fired for telling the truth and that he would not enforce such unconstitutional edicts, we will gladly side with them against the state and the socialist politicians who think of the people as no more than rats caught in the state’s maze of bull shit.

    We are calling on all Law Enforcement to stand down and allow the people to take command to met out justice to those so deserving.

    If a civil war starts all bets are off and it will be every man for himself, so peace officers please take note, if this turns into a full blown Police State we will treat you ALL LIKE NAZZIS SERVING THE FOURTH REICH !!

    CAPICHE ?? Get a clue men, because you life may depend on it !!!


      1. Civil war ahead, many states won’t comply (states rights prevail)


  2. HERES HOW TO FAR GONE AMERICA REALLIS,you have FIVE YEARS OF WAR COMING,THEFIRST THREE YEARS,will be hard fighting,the LAST TWO YEARS will be clean up,hunting down the traityors who hide themselves and those who fooled everyone into believeing they were on your side ,BUT were really snitches working for the enemy..and there’ll be a lot of them,better have a lot of TAR and feathers stored in the shed,and REMEBER THE MOST IMPORTANT THING..CATCH THEM ALIVE IF YOU CAN..YOUR DOGS WILL BE HUNGRY…


    1. There’s another prophetic message about Norfolk, VA being nuked..just read that a lot of Afghan refugees are there.


      “In the spirit I saw the outline of a city with a banner waving over it “NORFOLK”, I knew it was Norfolk, VA. Then, I saw the entire city explode! I heard “Bombings!”. I knew it was a Nuclear Attack.”


  3. you failed to see the most obvious and simple truth my friend! we are under judgement for Jesus for baby murder and sodomite marriage 2 name but 2 corporate sins! it is the baby blood that fuels satan’s authority over the church and government! stop the slaughter stop satan its that simple! but they still will not repent!


    1. You are right (emphasis on baby murder). I had read or heard in a video that it would have taken the satanists hundreds or so, of years to get the amount of human sacrifices they were able to offer to satan through legalized abortion. It’s amazing that supposed real men don’t police (and prevent) men that impregnate women and then coerce them into getting abortions. Also, note the decline of femininity (they become hardened when they learn to kill). A country largely without men has no expectation of feminine women (hence the need for men and women to turn to feminine men?). This has likely contributed to gender confusion.


    2. Churches w/501c3 corp./gov. control w/ apostate clergy are keeping the people stupid and dumbed down with entertainment, fitness rooms, music groups, and other “fun things” and weekly potlucks for many. Lv these churches now, they are tools of satan. HOme church or meet w/ friends, also drop out of all civic org. and vets org. they are infiltrated w/ traitors also. keep to yourself/family. Only stick w/ friends well known, not a time to make new friends.


  4. If you fear DC then you are a Slave & as such You Must Perish First. I will Never Protect or Defend Stupid Sheeple. If you truly believe in Evolution then these Sheeple Must Go because they have Defective DNA. You don’t LIVE in Fear you only Exist as a Slave awaiting eventual Extermination. If you are Smart you know who to Pray to for LIFE! Cheers!


  5. To my fellow Believers, consider this an Exhortation. 🙂

    To All Peoples: A Message of Salvation
    The World that is now, has rejected God. The hardship and plagues we have been experiencing are Gods attempts to WAKE You UP!!! What HAS happened is NOTHING compared to the catastrophe that is on the way. No amount of prepping, praying, hoping, thinking, meditating, crying, drinking, positivity, optimism-NOTHING, NO THING, NO THOUGHT, Absolutely Nothing, will halt, stop or lighten what is next.

    You do Not have to be here!! How can I be so Sure, you ask? Because you can be Saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and He has such a great love for His Children, that those who are Saved, will not be living through that horror show. Come one, come all- and learn a simple truth: God is not blind to what all is happening. There IS a Heaven and there is a Hell. —-BUT****There is a Blessed Hope: There is freedom in Jesus Christ. Even if this message of God’s goodness and Mercy, and message of Salvation through Jesus Christ, brings persecution, I will count it greater a blessing to have pulled a soul from Hell, than to be silent in fear, and see that soul lost forever in Hell . *For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believe; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.* To have Faith in Jesus Christ, is trusting in His grace to bring you to Himself, to save you from hell. There are only 2 Commandments that we as Christians are to live by:the first is To love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. the second is like unto this: to Love thy neighbor as thyself. To love someone is to tell them the truth, no matter how painful it sounds, for then the pain can be lessened by finding Peace in Christ Jesus. I myself would want to be told the truth, so I am telling this to you. Time is so short, now.

    KNOW that God IS in control. Do NOT take the vaccine or get microchipped, and then also tell others that Jesus is the ONLY Name by which you may get into Heaven; there is NONE other. It is NOW becoming GLOBALLY MANDATORY that all get the Shots. These people who are calling the shots are out to steal your souls!! DO NOT LET THEM! Instead, turn to The Lord Jesus, and call on His name, and He WILL free you from your bonds of sin and shame. Please do not delay.

    From the King James Bible; The Gospel according to John:
    3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    3:18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 3:19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 3:20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 3:21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

    We all can see that a BIG something is coming, and that it is not based on our own physical understanding of what we see is happening. It is God’s will. Is not God, He who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us, so that through Him we may be saved and live eternally with Him in Heaven; is He not greater than anything that is on this earth? To know Gods blessed salvation through Jesus Christ, one must become Born Again… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and You shall be saved.

    From the book of Romans: 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10:10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 10:11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

    If you get to this point and believe, please feel free, as God leads, to pass this message on.

    (This message is not affiliated with nowtheendbegins. However, nowtheendbegins gives a very in-depth study and explanation of ALL of what is happening in the world in relation to Gods plans for this worlds future)


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